Hourly rate calculator
We made this calculator for freelancers to use as a guide to costs, billable hours and desired profit. Remember: your hourly rate should also account for factors like market demand and skill level, factors that we unfortunately couldn't fit into this calculator.
Takes 5-15 mins to complete.
Step One
Calculate your annual business costs
Total business costs:
$0 per year
$0 per year
Step Two
Calculate your annual personal costs
Total personal costs:
$0 per year
$0 per year
Step Three
Calculate your billable hours
You will be working:
0 days per year
0 days per year
You have a total of:
0 hours per week
0 hours per week
Step Four
Profit and taxes
Your results
Your ideal rate is $0/hr
Your break-even rate is $0/hr
Why we made this
When we were starting out as freelancers ourselves, coming up with an hourly rate that felt right was really tough. So, we made this calculator for freelancers to use as a guide to costs, billable hours and desired profit. Icons by Eucalyp on Noun Project.
Learn more about what we do at usepastel.com